
Thank you for your donation to Paddle for CancerSupport.  General donations help fund our services and activities as well as our new ESCA CancerSupport Centre. If your donation is for a particular reason, please be sure to note it!  

Please keep in mind that significant fees do apply when paying by Paypal or credit card.  Our preferred method of receiving donations is by e-banking or a bulletin versement so we can receive the full benefit of your generosity.

Donate using e-banking or versement (preferred method)

ESCA CancerSupport | Chemin Auguste-Vilbert 14 | CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex | Switzerland
UBS Acct. Number: 243-341674.02T | IBAN CH500024324334167402T | BIC/SWIFT: UBSWCHZH80A

Donate using Paypal / Credit Card

 Note: There are language options on the Paypal page, usually in the bottom right corner!!!

We thank you for your donation. ESCA CancerSupport is a charitable association. Your donation may be tax deductible. If you would like a receipt, send a request to